Tuesday, May 19, 2009


haha.. Everyone!! i finished my exams... 3days ago...
PS for not updating... hehehe...
Lets start of with Fri??

Fri?? OOO wtf..
hahaha... Geography.. lols.. my best subject..YET
..QUITE ok la.. but i dont think i will top Geography
in my class =( i never study alot..(MiieX lazy ^^)
Then HOLY SHIT D&T!!!! AHHH.... my mum force me to study
it for 2days.. sheesh.. Then get 35/50 ^^ lols?

Monday??? OOO HELL
Let'as seee...MiieX, Your ONE & ONLY got ---/100 (chinese)
61/100(english) ---/100(Geography) 35/50(D&T) 25/50(Science:Chem GRRR)
---/50(Bio) 80/100(History) 84/100(Maths ^^) 58/100(Art-_-")

The rusults on top are those for tues & monday..
I cant wait for 15June can go SunTec Otaku house buy Inuyasha ;
Naruto ; Bleach blah stuffs!! i wan buy Inuyasha's ROSARY 0.o..
lalala... Today nth much of a fun... HA! i went to oppo sch coffe-
shop to eat lunch with Joel Ching & Ronnie Lim... but i put
earPiece on soo i wont hear Ronnie say the word 'SHIT' when im eating..
sheesh.. T.T Joel CHing beat me in History by 1mark GRRR 66/80.. 65/80
see!!! BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG Difference.. But i beat him in other subjects
today 2.4km(trial) run.. SO SO SO SO SO SO DAMN DAMN DAMN tired... I LOST TO
RONNIE & BWENDANN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF@!!!!!!!!!!!! i shouldent have
got distracted by a DOG at my last round T.T i dint even know... Sob
........................I swear i LOV3 SHORT HAIR ^^... so nice..
w/o my stupid long fringe to disturb me... i basically is different
from every boii... they all LOV3 themselves.. care abt how they
look.. Like i care abt how i look? The barber finish cutting my
hair & put gel.. then she turn i go clean the gel.. she turn back.. EH!? what happen i turn then like tat.. i said hehehe..... i dont know.. she say you dont
like gel har? i said ya... then finish i run to the toilet & go wash my hair ^^
come out she say she tot i go pee.... haha....

---Sayonara..(i basically am idiotic ^^ IM INSANE!!!)

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